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August 2, 2014

Burial Date August 6, 2014

Funeral Home Nordgren Memorial Chapel

Place of Service Worcester County Memorial Park

Section Garden of Honor Lot Number: 50Grave Number: B#1

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Subscription Update Obituary

     Veronica F. “Ronnie” Leslie, 91, passed away Saturday, August 2, 2014. She had been a resident of Worcester, MA most of her life and a long-time employee of the Norton Company. She was predeceased by her husband, Maurice S Leslie. She is survived by a son, Douglas Leslie and his wife, Mary Ellen, of Worcester and a daughter, Joyce Bassett and her husband, Clyde, of West Granby, CT. She is also survived by her five dearly loved grandchildren and twin great-grandchildren, plus many nieces, nephews, and friends.

Funeral services will be held Wednesday, August 6, from Nordgren Memorial Chapel, 300 Lincoln Street, Worcester. A calling hour will be held at the funeral home from 9:30-10:30. A funeral mass at St. John’s Church, 40 Temple Street, Worcester will be held at 11 a.m. followed by burial in Worcester County Memorial Park, Paxton. Donations in her name may be sent to: Virginia Connolly Residence, 1600 Hopmeadow St., Simsbury, CT 06070, Attn. Christine. A sincere thank you to all those Caregivers who lovingly watched over and loved her.